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Bad Day (Blowout) Kit


Contents: (1) CAT Tourniquet (1) Hyfin Compact Chest Seals, Pair (2) Compressed Gauze, 4.1 yards x 4″ (2) Combine Ab Pads, 5″ x 9″ (2) Elastic Bandages (1) Trauma Shears Assorted Bandaids (16-1×3 cloth bandages, 3-patch, 3-knuckle bandages, 3-fingertip bandages, 3-butterfly bandages, 3-spot bandages, 5-jr bandages) Assorted Antiseptics (3-PVP Prep Pads, 3-Antibiotic Ointment, 3-Alcohol Prep…

In stock (can be backordered)

UPC: 850054682093

No one wants to think about the potential horror that awaits us just around the corner. But it’s always best to be prepared for a bad day because you never know when it might come knocking on your door like an unwelcome guest.

The Medical Points Abroad “Bad Day” Blowout Kit is a compact emergency kit containing some of trauma’s most essential equipment that can make all the difference in these dire times.

This compact emergency trauma equipment set contains everything you need to respond confidently and quickly in a traumatic emergency. It can be used during any type of critical incident where victims need immediate medical attention.

Whether you’re a first responder, survivalist, or outdoor adventurer, the “Bad Day” Blowout Kit is designed to assist you in these trying times when every second counts. It includes your choice of tourniquet, your choice of pressure bandage, a pair of compact vented chest seals, compressed gauze for wound packing, EMT shears for cutting through seat belts and clothes, a CPR Mask for rescue breathing, and emergency blankets for managing hypothermia.